BOho WEddings!!

One of the things that makes Aadi and me happy is to be ourselves!! And we are at our happiest best at the Nh7 weekender music festival that takes place in our favourite city: Pune!!

The reason we love it so much is mainly for its laid back bohemian vibe…. its just such a chilled out atmosphere…. its truly our happy place.

Everyone at the fest is in such great spirits and dressed up in these amazing kitsch boho hippie like things that it got me all inspired for a boho wedding!!!

Ahhhh… if only someone told us to do a casual wedding like this…. heck i'll even let go of our charges for this!!! (He he he…. Aadi's so going to make me delete this line!!)

But seriously think about it…. We can make it look just like these:

gorgeous lamps hanging inside your colourful tent…..

a mad mix of every print available in every colour available!!

a casual set up with the perfect things thrown together to make it look oh so boho!!

start a beautiful marriage life with some dream catchers!!

just imagine your "core" group of friends…. being a part of that special day!!!

play some fun giant jenga!!!!

point to the sky!!!! and everything else thats fun!!

Well…. so anyone out there who wants to have a relaxed hippie wedding by the beach or at the sand dunes…. you know who to call!!

Images from:
7. could't find the original of this image  :(

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One of the most important parts of a wedding is the Photographs!

And for great photographs you need a great backdrop... hence the backdrop design is something that becomes a priority for every wedding stylist. Sometimes an entire wedding decor can even revolve around the backdrop. 

If you are using a natural backdrop or making one yourself,you'll need some ideas ... so here are some great inspirations!


This one is almost natural...The few bunches of flowers that have been added to the trees, really stand out and make for a pretty picture.


A great DIY backdrop....


Lights really do make for a rather dramatic backdrop!


Vey hip and cool....

All are really easy to do.... but what I love most it that even though each one is very different from the other , they are all so dramatic and eye catching.... real conversation starters....!!
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